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生猪价格汇总:Food Chemistry:尤其 发酵大豆能减少人们过敏反应

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生猪价格汇总:Food Chemistry:尤其    发酵大豆能减少人们过敏反应

2008年5月的爱思唯尔期刊《食品化学》(Food Chemistry)刊登了美国伊利诺伊大学的一项最新研究,生猪价格,研究发觉通过引入某些微生物对大豆及其制品进行发酵,能显著降低少数人对其的过敏反应

大豆具有优越的营养特性、加工特性以及经济性,一直作为制造加工食品如豆腐、豆乳、味精、酱油等的原料。大豆蛋白质作为主要的蛋白质供给源之一,具有很高的营养价,但是有少部分人(约占0.5%)却不能从中获益,因为他们对大豆及其制品过敏,通常的症状为起疹子、皮肤发痒、腹泻。同时有调查显示,对大豆过敏的人数在连续增加 。

研究人员对固体和液体大豆进行了发酵试验,结果显示摘 用植物乳杆菌发酵大豆对降低过敏非常有效,降低幅度可来 达99%。研究人员认为,大豆在发酵过程中其蛋白质被分解,这使得对其有过敏反应的人体对其“敏锐 性”降低。

同时研究人员指出,发酵还使得大豆中不易被消化吸取 的大豆蛋白转变为多肽和氨基酸,可溶性蛋白增加 几倍,营养价值也会变得更高。(科学网 于乃森/编译)

生物谷举荐 原始出处:

(Food Chemistry),doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2007.11.013,Y.-S. Song, E. Gonzalez de Mejia

Immunoreactivity reduction of soybean meal by fermentation, effect on amino acid composition and antigenicity of commercial soy products

Y.-S. Song, J. Frias, C. Martinez-Villaluenga, C. Vidal-Valdeverde and E. Gonzalez de Mejia, ,

aDepartment of Food Science and Human Nutrition, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 228 ERML, MC-051, 1201 W Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801, United States
bInstituto de Fermentaciones Industriales (CSIC), Juan de la Cierva 3, 28006 Madrid, Spain
Received 10 August 2007;  revised 3 November 2007;  accepted 8 November 2007.  Available online 17 November 2007.


Food allergy has become a public health problem that continues to challenge both the consumer and the food industry. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the reduction of immunoreactivity by natural and induced fermentation of soybean meal (SBM) with Lactobacillus plantarum, Bifidobacterium lactis, Saccharomyces cereviseae, and to assess the effect on amino acid concentration. Immunoreactivity of commercially available fermented soybean products and ingredients was also evaluated. ELISA and western blot were used to measure IgE immunoreactivity using plasma from soy sensitive individuals. Commercial soy products included tempeh, miso and yogurt. Fermented SBM showed reduced immunoreactivity to human plasma, particularly if proteins were <20 kDa. S. cereviseae and naturally fermented SBM showed the highest reduction in IgE immunoreactivity, up to 89% and 88%, respectively, against human pooled plasma. When SBM was subjected to fermentation with different microorganisms, most of the total amino acids increased significantly (p < 0.05) and only few of them suffered a decrease depending on the type of fermentation. All commercial soy containing products tested showed very low immunoreactivity. Thus, fermentation can decrease soy immunoreactivity and can be optimized to develop nutritious hypoallergenic soy products. However, the clinical relevance of these findings needs to be determined by human challenge studies.


生猪价格汇总:Food Chemistry:尤其    发酵大豆能减少人们过敏反应


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