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为缓解价格压力 巴西批准进口美国玉米

来源: 搜猪网   2016-08-08 17:20:26   查看:  次

  BRAZIL - The Brazilian government has said it will allow import of 1 million tons of corn (maize) from the US to increase tight supplies in the country.Government representatives gave this assurance during an emergency meeting with the country's Association of Animal Protein (ABPA) and other representatives of the poultry and swine industries.The meeting was called to discuss the crisis in the pig and poultry industries caused by high corn prices, due to lower production in Brazil this year.Chief executive of ABPA Francisco Turra said: "The US is reaping a great harvest and has considerable surpluses. In addition, estimates of purchase prices show prices there are more attractive than those in our domestic market. It will be a great relief for the entire industry."

为缓解价格压力 巴西批准进口美国玉米

  巴西政府已经宣布,为了增加国内紧张的供应量,它将批准进口美国的100万吨玉米。政府官员与国家动物蛋白协会(ABPA),以及其他在禽类与生猪产业的代表们召开紧急会议。在会议中,政府保证缓解国内价格压力。由于今年巴西玉米产量减少,紧急召开此次会议,主要是讨论由于高昂的玉米价在生猪与禽类行业引发的危机。ABPA的首席执行官弗朗西斯科·图拉(Francisco Turra)说:“美国玉米收成丰厚,盈余充足。此外,对购买价格进行估计,玉米价比我们国内市场价格更有吸引力。这将让整个行业松一口气。”







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