2014,COOPERL produce 6 million pigs, Top in Europe, Genetic role of COOPERL is NUCLEUS which is the leader of France pig genetic.
Nucleus select female line which are Large White and Landrace, Male line which are Pietrain, Duroc, Large White , this news wil introduce female line breeding way to you.
图1:母系大白种猪Female line: Large White
图2:母系长白种猪 Female line: Landrace
1、选择标准如下Selection status as below:
2、母系大白和长白的育种目标如下Female line breeding goals:
其中55%的权重是繁殖性能,主要包括产活仔数、初生重、均匀度3个指标,2014年法国NUCLEUS总共测定了73000头仔猪的初生重,并将更多的精力花在均匀度的选育上面,Nucleus通过测定每头出生仔猪的初生重,评估窝内个体仔猪的standard deviation指数来控制窝内仔猪的均匀度。
55% of Breeding goal are maternal qualities which including NO Born alive, Birth weight,homogeneous, NUCLEUS weight 73000 piglets in 2014, we take more care about homogeneous, we use standard deviation index to test homogeneous in every litter.
Homogeneous : standart deviation = 200 gIndex H = 120
3、母猪的抚育能力的选择:(1)sow behavior母猪行为;(2)milking abilities 泌乳能力;(3)farrowing duration分娩持续时间;(4)farrowing easiness分娩难易程度;2014年Nucleus共登记了8241窝次,每个窝次分别登记了以上4个指标的评分。
We select maternal qualities also according to sow behavior,milking abilities,farrowing duration and farrowing easiness, we registered 8241 litters in 2014.
4、7项腿部质量评估标准:(1)前肢;(2)后肢;(3)蹄部, 2014年共记录了10 000头猪的腿部质量评估。
We evaluate legs quality according to 7 criteria which including front legs,back lags and cloven-hoofs, we registered 10 000 pigs in 2014.
NUCLEUS aim to choose the best boar to maximize the genetic improvement, we tested 5857 Large White,Landrace boars in Female line, and choose only 128 boars into AIC.
Presentation of COOPERL NUCLEUS and their work in pig breeding
(Video produced by COOPERL NUCLEUS)
视频链接: http://v.qq.com/page/a/3/a/a01754p573a.html
作者:Edwiin 洪秦王