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来源:搜猪网 2017-07-29 10:32:49| 查看:

  CANADA - The Chair of Swine Innovation Porc says Canada's pork industry is well positioned to move forward with research when Canada's next Agricultural Policy Framework kicks in next March, reports Bruce Cochrane.Canada's Ministers of Agriculture agreed to the key elements of a new federal, provincial, territorial agricultural policy framework during their Annual Meeting last week in St. John's.Stewart Cressman, the Chair of Swine Innovation Porc, says indications are that funding for research under the new initiative will be similar to what was made available under the current programme although support ratios and other details have yet to be announced.
  布鲁斯·科克伦(Bruce Cochrane)报道,据生猪创新项目组织主席称,加拿大新农业政策框架将在明年三月开始实施,届时加拿大养猪业会做好推进研究项目的充分准备。加拿大农业部长上周在圣约翰斯市的年度农业部长会议期间,同意了一份新的联邦、省级、地区农业政策框架中的重要原则。生猪创新项目组织主席Stewart Cressman说:“尽管项目支持率以及其他细节尚未公布,但有迹象显示,新框架下的研究资金将会与目前实施项目投入的可用资金差不多。”

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