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来源:搜猪网 2016-09-27 11:48:12| 查看:

  CANADA - The Canadian Pork Council is advising pork producers to be watching closely for symptoms of Seneca Valley Virus and avoid shipping any pigs with signs of the infection, writes Bruce Cochrane.Last Tuesday the United States Department of Agriculture informed the Canadian Food Inspection Agency that 13 Canadian origin sows exported to the US in 6 separate loads for slaughter had vesicular lesions and 2 loads of sows were refused entry into the US the next day when vesicular lesions were identified at the port of entry triggering investigations in both countries.Dr Egan Brockhoff, the Veterinary Counsel with the Canadian Pork Council, says, while foreign animal disease tests ruled out Foot and Mouth Disease, Seneca Valley Virus was identified.

  布鲁斯·科克伦(Bruce Cochrane)写道,加拿大猪肉委员会通知猪肉生产商密切关注塞内加谷病毒(Seneca Valley Virus)的症状,避免运送任何有感染迹象的生猪。美国农业部在上周二通知加拿大食品检验署,在13头运往美国的加拿大母猪中有6头分装运送的屠宰生猪出现水泡病变,第二天两国入境点展开调查,确认了水泡病变并禁止两头母猪在当天运入美国。加拿大猪肉委员会兽医顾问Egan Brockhoff博士说:“经国外动物疾病中心检测,排除口蹄疫,确诊为塞内加谷病毒。”

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